Digital printing on cotton textiles has long been a big dream - it failed for a long time because of the colour space and fastness, but these obstacles seem to have been overcome. Pigment printing uses an ink that, in addition to the dye pigments, also contains binders and crosslinkers - this requires a very special print head technology to prevent the heads from clogging within a very short time. The printing result is not only related to the resolution of the inkjet printers and the print heads used, but also to an optimally pre-treated cotton product. This allows sharp edges, clear contours and good colour fastness to be produced. At the same time, the fabric handle should not be affected by the thickener and binder systems used in pre-treatment.
IBENA supplies the following white, digitally printable substances for pigment printing:
In the following video, Cotton Mako Satin 125 is printed on the Mimamki TX300P using pigment ink.